
Genes And Weight Loss Pills, Morristown, NJ

Ever wonder why people try to lose weight by dieting and weight training and only see minimal results? What are they doing wrong? Medical specialists believe that genes play a major factor in this losing weight. These specialists believe that genes determine one’s body type. Some body types contain more body fat than others and vice-versa. They believe that everyone has inherited and specific body types. Body types have been categorized into three basic categories: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Body types elaborated The ectomorph body is tall and thin. This body can be distinguished by light bones and small muscles. Studies show ectomorphs encounter difficulty gaining weight and body mass no matter how hard they train or even if they eat the right food. Some see it as a blessing, others see it as a disadvantage. Other noticeable physical qualities of an ectomorph include a slightly built body, flat chest, and small shoulders. People with this kind of body usually have low body f